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About the NSC


Some students require more support in managing their behaviour than what the classroom teacher alone can provide. A Nurturing Support Centre (NSC) is not a segregated class but rather an in-school resource that provides an environment and an intervention plan to meet student needs so they can continue to attend regular classes. It is designed to provide emotional, behavioural and academic support to help students succeed. Its use is guided and supervised by a school support team. Shortened class time, options for dealing with challenging situations, organizational support and adult guidance are provided to those students who have a hard time behaving appropriately in class and also during unstructured and transition time. NSCs are being used successfully in both Elementary and Secondary Schools.​

The MANDATE of the NSC is to: 


  1. Be part of a continuum of interventions​ 

  2. Provide respite for students and teachers

  3.  Create an environment for the immature

  4.  Manage behaviour by structure not by consequences

  5.  Keep the student academically engaged



The NSC is meant to provide support to:


  • Students who cannot remain for extended periods in the classroom and who require modified timetables.  While these students, from time to time, may spend significant parts of their school day in the NSC, the goal is always to reintegrate the student back into the regular classroom as soon as possible.


  • Students who need support during a predetermined class period or part of a period in their timetable, such as when a substitute teacher is in the classroom, or during an activity that the student has particular difficulty managing.


  • Students who have difficulty with transitions e.g. morning start up; recess and lunch; end of day.


  • Students who have been identified as needing help with handling their behaviour in a variety of situations and require help when they become “overwhelmed”.


  • Students needing help with managing significant anxiety or stress during specific times of the day, the week, or the school year.


  • Students for whom the usual behavioural interventions and standard classroom management strategies have not been sufficient, e.g. parents have been contacted, detentions, suspensions etc.  


  • Students experiencing significant life events such as placement in a group home, parental illness or death, targets of severe bullying, among others, are also eligible.



  • Caring adults


  • Calm environment


  • Structure and predictability


  • Opportunity to talk


  • Variety of calming spaces


  • Variety of activities to help process emotions




  • Learning tools


  • Communication with teachers to link intervention strategies back to the classroom



NSC-Elementary 2019-05-21-FINAL-R.jpg


1-NSC-Secondary 2020-06-26.jpg
Intervention Continuum -RSB-CEBM-REV FIN

Intervention Continuum in the classroom

Intervention Continuum (transitions) -RS

Intervention Continuum during transitions

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