Tier 3 Individualized Practices
These individualized practices are meant to benefit our highly challenging students who struggle (on a chronic and ongoing basis) to stay within the classroom setting and with the requirements of school. These Tier 3 students require one-to-one support as well as adapted practices to meet their individual and specific needs. Students at Tier 3 still benefit from Tiers 1-2 interventions, but require extended measures to be successful in school. Staff involved at Tier 3 include Teachers, Support Staff, Resource Teacher, Administration, Professionals/Consultants assigned, any other school staff involved, and outside partners (if present). It is very important that school team members work conjunctively together to help support these students as they can be quite demanding. Ongoing communication is taking place with the parents as well.
Pyramid of Interventions Tier 3 (in English)
Pyramid of Interventions Tier 3 (in French)
(available soon)
disponible bientôt